Hareside Primary School

Our School Aims, Ethos & Values



We aim to create and continuously develop an active, positive, relevant, safe and enjoyable learning establishment for educating the whole child.  In this way we will provide the right environment to encourage each individual child to reach their full potential, and ultimately take their place as a responsible member of our society.

We aim:

to provide a broad and balanced curriculum, based on a whole school approach ensuring continuity, differentiation and progression for each child

to cater for each child’s social and personal development, including their moral and spiritual development

to celebrate success and help EVERY child to discover their strengths

to establish a strong partnership with parents, other schools and the wider community, encouraging two-way communication and involvement

to provide equality of opportunity for all


Our school ethos is our shared vision and common sense of purpose.  It aims to guide the day to day life and development of the school and strongly influence the ‘feel’ of the school.  It is reviewed and reflected on regularly to ensure it still meets the needs of the school and it’s pupils.

We have identified the qualities we try to develop in children during their time with us. As well as being strong accademically, we believe these are the essential qualities children need to flourish and lead successfully and fulfilling lives.


  • Respect

  • Honesty

  • Resilience

  • Kindness

  • Aspiration

  • Collaboration