Hareside Primary School


Useful Websites

Useful Maths Websites

Oak National Academy


White Rose

Hamilton Trust

I see maths

Mathematic Mastery

Times Table Rockstars



Cbeebies Maths


Third Space Maths

The Maths Factor (free 21 day trial)

Maths Sphere




Websites to support reading at home

Reception and Year 1
Online Read Write Inc sessions via the Ruth Miskin Website and YouTube page.
Your class teacher will direct you to the sessions that will best support your child.
Ruth Miskin Website


Home reading Books
Reception and Year 1
Teachers have organised dates where parents can come and swap their child’s current home reading books for new ones. Your child’s class teacher will be in touch with more details.


Online Reading Books
Oxford Owl
Reception, Year 1, Year 2
Oxford Owl is a website that provides online books from the home reading scheme we use in school. It is free to create an account. Help your child to select a book to read which is at the same level as the home reading books they took home.
Oxford Owl

Renaissance myON Reader
Year 2 and KS2
Renaissance myON Reader gives the children access to thousands of high-quality, high-interest digital books with built-in scaffolds to support readers at every level.
myON Reader

Purple Mash
KS1 and KS2
Reading comprehension activities can be found on Purple Mash.
Children have their own login details. If you have trouble accessing Purple Mash please contact your class teacher.
Purple Mash


Here are some great websites which might help you with your work. Some of them are really fun too…!






I am learning





