Hareside Primary School



At Hareside, we believe in the value of music education for many different reasons. Music
benefits social and emotional development: it builds self esteem and self discipline; fosters
team work; encourages creativity and leads to higher standards across the curriculum as
well as being great fun!

Research undertaken by the University of London has clearly demonstrated the cognitive
benefits that music gives young children, suggesting music can support the development
of literacy, numeracy and listening skills.

We believe that every child should have the opportunity to sing, create music and play a
musical instrument.

Music is inclusive irrespective of abilities. Music gives children a unique motivation to
participate and communicate and advances in technology mean more children than ever
can take part in and reap the many benefits of a music education.

We truly believe in the difference music can make to our children's lives and we are committed to ensuring all have the same opportunities to explore music and their potential talent within it. 


At Hareside, we explore music as outlined in the national curriculum and through core aspects throughout their school life, in various different ways, and often linked to the wider curriculum in their year group.


Listening - We listen, discuss and appreciate a wide variety of music from all genres and
from all over the world. We believe it is essential for children to experience music and
dance live, so we often have visits from professional performers of all kinds.

Singing - Singing with children helps them to develop  key listening and language skills as well as
learning about the world around them. Songs can be used to help children regulate their
emotions, learn new tasks and develop routines. Singing in a group has been proven to
enhance health and wellbeing. At Hareside, we take every opportunity to sing in our music
lessons and beyond in our weekly choir club open to all ages.

Playing - Through our music lessons we explore tuned and untuned percussion
instruments and digital instruments to play music together in class. Children have the
opportunity to learn both keyboard and ukulele within their school life.

Creating - Children are encouraged to create their own music from Early Years onwards.
We regularly compose songs often connected to our wider curriculum topics, performing and recording them.

We use digital technologies to teach our children the many different ways to create and develop their own music.


When our pupils leave Hareside Primary, we want them to have a love and appreciation of all types of music, have developed skills and be confident in singing and playing instruments and creating their own music. More than anything, we want children to be able to begin a musical journey of enjoyment and creativity that will last their whole lives.

 Some of our work for you to listen to... 


Two Tectonic Plates (Year 5 volcanoes and Earthquakes)

My words fall out like a volcano (Year 5 Volcanoes and Earthquakes)

U +I (Year 2)

A Christmas Encounter - Greater Depth Group Year 5

Carol Singing in Cramlington 2022

Our enrichment group carol 2021 written by the children and sung by Katie

Our Talent Group Carol 2022 written by children and sung by Katie