Hareside Primary School




At Hareside Primary School, we teach Relationship and Health Education through our PSHE curriculum. Our intention is to provide our pupils with the skills, knowledge and values for them to flourish and lead successful and fulfilling lives. We would like children to leave our school with the following values -

  • Respect
  • Honesty
  • Resilience
  • Kindness
  • Aspiration
  • Collaboration

PSHE is vital in achieving this goal.

We also want them to understand the rights and responsibilities of being a young citizen in the world around them. We feel that it is important that children have the skills, knowledge and understanding of how to stay safe and make informed decisions.  Our PSHE curriculum will teach them to show respect for themselves and others, preparing them to be positive members of our diverse society. This will include incorporating British Values and Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural (SMSC) Education.

By the time they leave Hareside, we want our pupils to be well equipped socially and emotionally to face the opportunities and challenges in the next phase of their lives and education.



At Hareside, we follow the SCARF PSHE programme, which is a whole-school approach that provides a scheme of learning from the Early Years Foundation Stage through to Year 6.  SCARF, stands for Safety, Caring, Achievement, Resilience and Friendship and it is mapped to the PSHE Association programmes of study.

 It is a spiral curriculum that builds on the knowledge from the year before using age‑appropriate objectives and vocabulary. This gives the children the opportunity to recall previous learning and develop their understanding in a variety of contexts

We have adapted some parts of the programme to meet the needs of our pupils. This was achieved by embedding pupil voice at the heart of the decisions. Although we have a long‑term plan in place, the teachers have the flexibility to move units around to meet the immediate needs of the pupils.

Lessons are delivered weekly and all staff have access to appropriate and high‑quality lessons plans and resources. In Year 6 we deliver some non-statutory Relationship and Sex Education, including how babies are conceived, which we feel is appropriate at this age. Parents are consulted and have a right to withdraw their children from this session.

Our PSHE also has links with other curriculum areas including RE, ICT and PE. We also have daily assemblies that often have a PSHE focus where the children have the opportunities to recall previous learning or acquire new knowledge to support their understanding.

We further develop the children’s knowledge and skills through our whole-school initiatives, including our School Council, Travel Ambassadors, Mini Police Officers, Eco Warriors and Sports Leaders.

We take part in many national initiatives to help develop the children’s PSHE knowledge in a different context.

Assessment for learning opportunities are built into each unit, which enables self‑evaluation, reflective learning and allows teachers to evaluate and assess progress.



The impact of our PSHE curriculum will result in the following outcomes for pupils.

  • Children will have a safe place where they can discuss their ideas, concerns and opinions.
  • They will begin to understand how they can resolve problems and conflicts and importantly who/where they can go if they need help and support.
  • They will demonstrate their respect and understanding of others throughout the school day and also when in our wider community.
  • They will understand the importance of both physical and mental health and have the skills and knowledge to know how they can promote this in themselves and others.
  • They will begin to understand the importance of healthy relationships and how they can achieve them in their own lives.
  • They will be prepared for changes that have happened or are going to happen as they move into their next phase of life and have the skills, knowledge and resources to deal with them.
    Long Term Plan

      Long Term Plan

            RSE Guide for Parents