Hareside Primary School

Child Protection & E-safety

Coronavirus (COVID-19): support for parents and carers to keep children safe online

Schools have a duty to safeguard the children in their care and we place their protection from harm or neglect above all other priorities.

If we have any concerns about the welfare of a child as a result of the things we have seen, heard or observed we will almost always try to discuss these concerns with the parent or carer in the first instance.

There may however be rare occasions when the nature of the things observed or disclosed by the child mean that our first course of action has to be to contact the social care services and / or the police without first informing the parent or carer.  Although to some this may appear to be against our policy of working in partnership with parents and carers, in this exceptional case the safety and care of children has to take priority. We are rightly required by law to ensure this priority is followed.

While all adults in the school receive regular training in child protection matters, all schools are required to have a designated person for child protection.  Mrs Wong, Mrs Purvis and Miss Mowat are the designated leads for child protection at Hareside.

Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy



0800 1111



0808 800 2222








Anti Bullying Alliance



UK Safer Internet Centre

UK Safer Internet Centre


E-Safety activities for parents to share with children

Screen Time & Healthy Balance Activities

Thinkuknow  home activity sheet Age 4-5

Thinkuknow  home activity reward chart Age 4-5

Thinkuknow  home activity sheet Age 5-7

Thinkuknow  home activity sheet Age 8-10

Thinkuknow  home activity sheet Age 11-13


E-Safety information for parents

E-safety is a constantly evolving area which we all (school staff, children and parents alike) need to keep up to date with. It is important that we all understand the current threats in order that we can help keep ourselves and our children safe from potential online dangers.

Parent factsheet

Parent/child conversation starters

Parents supporting children online

Smartphone Online tips December 2019

What parents need to know about Fortnite December 2019

E Safety Mark

As a school we are proud that in June 2015 we were awarded the E-safety mark, recognising the quality of our work in this area. At this time we are the only school in Northumberland to have received this quality mark.

E-Safety Quality Mark report

E-Safety Policy