Hareside Primary School

SIMS Parent 


The new parent app – easy access to your child's data

We are very happy to announce that we have a new system called SIMS Parent, a secure system which will allow you to update your child's details without having to complete paper forms.   This includes contact details, medical and dietary information etc.

You can access the system from a smartphone, tablet or PC – anytime, anywhere.


Getting started with the SIMS Parent app

  1. We will send you an activation email, simply click on the link from your tablet, PC or smartphone to activate your account. 

  2. You can then login using your normal Facebook, TwitterGoogle or Microsoft username and password. 

  3. From your smartphone or tablet, download the app from the Google Play or Apple App store - search for SIMS Parent. 

  4. From a PC or Windows phone, login online at www.sims-parent.co.uk 


Please note that your activation email is unique to you and should not be used by anyone else. If you require an additional login then please contact your school. 


Your activation email will expire after 14 days if it is not used, please contact your school if you require a replacement after this date.